The two artistes, Tyler the Creator and Tee Yoda also known as Tyler Ginsburg / tyga had a very unpleasant showdown in Cannes, France on Thursday. There is a video from Hollywood Unlocked alleging that the fight occurred at a concert area although the video was too blurry to really understand the events that unfolded between the two in question, which are the rappers.
In a process of televising flying drinks and running attendees where the punch and the object are thrown to the other person one man who looks similar to Scott is found. Security guards rush to intervene and separate the disputants while the disc jockey attempt to increase the volume of music as a way of curbing the altercations.
Recent reports of Travis Scott coming to blows with Tyga over Kylie Jenner leaves the public with raised eyebrows.
A story that Travis Scott had a conflict with Tyga left fans concerned
Although there is no direct evidence that would lead to the conclusion that Travis Scott and Tyga were on-the two in that musical work there is a caption on the video in black square and it was directed to these two individuals. Wiz and Cass have never been given the probability to rise and say whatever that transpired. The reason why they fought it is still unknown but for those fashioning rumours on the social media platforms, it leans more towards the fact that Scott and Tyga both had dated Kylie Jenner.
Tyga – This young man dated Kylie Jenner in mid 2015 and they were together for two years before they broke up in mid 2017, it is however worth noting that Tyga was dating Kylie when she was still a minor.
After their breakup, Jenner was then spotted dating with Scott, engaging a roughly five years long on-and-off again relationship that was interspersed with rumors of Kim cheating on Scott and them breaking up for sometime.
The former couple shares two children: two children, a six-year-old daughter named Stormi and a two and half year old son named Aire.
Neither Travis Scott nor Tyga have ever directly dissed Jenner in public despite the later having had intimate relations with the said socialite.