Travis Scott and Tyga’s Reported Run-In Raises Eyebrows

The two artistes, Tyler the Creator and Tee Yoda also known as Tyler Ginsburg / tyga had a very unpleasant showdown in Cannes, France on Thursday. There is a video from Hollywood Unlocked alleging that the fight occurred at a concert area although the video was too blurry to really understand the events that unfolded between the two in question, which are the rappers.

In a process of televising flying drinks and running attendees where the punch and the object are thrown to the other person one man who looks similar to Scott is found. Security guards rush to intervene and separate the disputants while the disc jockey attempt to increase the volume of music as a way of curbing the altercations.

Recent reports of Travis Scott coming to blows with Tyga over Kylie Jenner leaves the public with raised eyebrows.

A story that Travis Scott had a conflict with Tyga left fans concerned

Travis Scott -the clutter